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Luka Živanović started his career još eight years ago, and he gained affirmation in the former 4glory. Until recently, he played in Partizan Esport, and now he is waiting for a new opportunity and a step up in order to fulfill his full potential. Š what one of the most promising domestic players plans for the future, you can find out in the interview.

Hello Luka, thank you š for accepting the invitation. Partizan's CSGO team recently ceased to exist, how does it feelš about that now that some time has already passed?

c0llins: Bye, you're welcome. Baš so, Partizan disbanded the CS:GO team, and I can't say that I like this sudden break, but on the other hand, it was good for me, considering that we didn't have many free days, we constantly played tournament after tournament . What is certain is that I can't wait to compete again with a safe and promising team/organization.

Who did you learn the most from while playing for Partizan? Who was your favorite teammate?

c0llins: Definitely emi, who showed his level of dedication to the team, hard work, and was also a great leader in tough matches. Š as for the second question, it's definitely Roga. We just hit it off, not only as teammates, but as friends, š that's very rare today in CS.

Roga and Emi recently signed together for TyLoo. Does he meanš that it is a good move for Marin and his career, given that there is also a “more serious” organization was in the game

c0llins: I think his baš that second option was better, but I have no doubt that he chose the one that suits him the most.

A lot of fans on social networks wanted to see you in the home team Infected Nation. In the interview with k1ng0r, we agreed that it would be interesting to see you in an international team. Have you perhaps had any offers so far?

c0llins: To be honest, I haven't received any specific offer, but I heard that some organizations were interested in me, so I'm still waiting for some interesting invitation. Considering that I already got used to speaking in English in the previous team, it wouldn't be a problem for me in the future either, but if I could choose, I would prefer to speak in our language.

Which role would you like to playš in his future team, in which position he feelsš the most comfortable?

c0llins: Role of entry fragger, ie. a player who takes control of the map, she would suit me best, but I think I would also do well as an aggressive lurker (I've played her before). Š that concerns the position of IGL, I don't think I would want to return to the same one, only if there is some baš good offer. I won't even mention the sniper…

Have you had a chance to tryš CS2, and if so, how do you feel?

c0llins: Basically, I like it. I really like to see innovation and I think CS2 will take Counter-Strike to a higher level. Of course, there are some small things that need to be fixed, but without going into details, not much has changed, the concept has remained the same, and the most important thing is that the mechanical aspect is similar.


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